A Subtle Rebuttal to an Energy “Realist”
If you want to understand the future of energy, the first step is to embrace subtlety.
If you want to understand the future of energy, the first step is to embrace subtlety.
A summer update on the holdings in our flagship global opportunity strategy.
This debate over divestment won’t be the last one. Here are some thoughts that may help you respond proactively.
Sloane takes a look at where our global opportunity strategy’s performance came from in 2023.
Gabe’s collection of cursed antiques shows how one person’s nightmare fuel is another’s valuation school.
Best intentions, board-level buy in, and a big budget aren’t enough to do the kind of deep decarbonization work that’s necessary. So what’s a well-meaning manager to do?
ESG Investing has garnered dissapointment, cricitism, and even congressional investigations. What’s behind all the dissatisfaction?
Sloane shares a few practical (and highly personal) tips about how to cope with being born on a dying planet.
It’s unrealistic to commit to ethical perfection. Here’s what we’re doing instead.
Diversification is a great way to control risk, but it’s not the only way.
Incremental improvements in your approach to charitable giving can compound into outrageous real-world impact over time.
We have strong opinions, radical intentions, and evidence-based expectations.
We’re updating our performance measurement process to strike a better balance between complexity, accuracy, and timeliness.
The longer you stay invested, the more predictable your outcome will be.
Worries about recessions can seduce investors into making big mistakes. Don’t fall for it!
The food system creates more than just a massive carbon footprint: it leaves half the world’s population exposed to risk of famine.
People are worried about inflation. Should you be one of them?
Here’s how I realized that index funds just won’t work for ethics-first investors.
Divesting from fossil fuels is a great step to take. But we can and should do more.
Farmer Mac is one of the largest positions in our flagship Ethical Growth strategy. Here’s why we own it.
It’s not straightforward to evaluate the performance of a strategy like ours.
Composting feels like magic. All it takes is a little bit of attention and intention to turn table scraps into rich, fertile soil. Can we apply lessons from this process to our investment portfolio?